Kelime Arama:

1. Elkatmis, A. "An Analysis of the Stability of Spinning Rotor Gauges ", Measurement : Sensors, 18:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2021.100244 (2021) : Article number 100244
2. Jousten, K., Bock, T., Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R., Phanakulwijit, S., Setina, J. "Final Report on Key Comparison Euramet.M.P-K15.1 in the Pressure Range from 3·10-4 Pa to 1 Pa", Metrologia, 57:1A (2020) : Article number 07031
3. Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R., Becker, U., Jousten, K., Mari, D., Boineau, F., Vicar, M., Ruiz, S., Setina, J. "Time Stability Characterization of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers", Measurement, 165:December (2020) : Article number 108143
4. Kangi, R. "Development of a Temperature Controlled Container for High Accuracy Capacitance Manometers ", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 26th International Conference on Vacuum Technique and Technology (VTT 2019), 1313:1 (2019) : Article Number 012026
5. Kangi, R., Elkatmis, A., Gorobei, V., Chernyshenko, A. "The Preliminary Results of the Regional Key Comparison COOMET.M.P-K15 in the Pressure Range from 0.3 mPa to 0.9 Pa", Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 26th International Conference on Vacuum Technique and Technology (VTT 2019), 1313:1 (2019) : 012027
6. Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R. "Remarks Concerning About the Characteristics of the Extractor Vacuum Gauge and the Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer ", Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 131:January (2019) : 269-276
7. Kangi, R. "Temperature Controlled Transfer Standard Package for High Accuracy Pressure Transducers with Improved Temperature Stability (XXII World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO 2018))", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1065:16/Article number 162010 (2018) : 1-5
8. Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R. "TUBİTAK UME Vacuum Laboratory Capabilities and Activities, 25th International Conference on Vacuum Technique and Technology, 5-7 June 2018", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 387:1 (2018) : 1-7
9. Merlone, A., Lopardo, G., Antonsen, I., Bell, S., Benyon, R., Boese, N., Campo, D., Dobre, M., Drnovsek, J., Elkatmis, A., Georgin, E., Grudniewicz, E., Heinonen, M., Holstein, C., Johansson, J., Klason, P., Knorova, R., Melvad, C., Merrison, J., Migala, K., Podesta, M., Saathoff, H., Smorgon, D., Sparasci, F., Strnad, R., Grzebyk, A., Vuillermoz, E. "A New Challenge for Meteorological Measurements : The "MeteoMet" Project - Metrology", AIP Conference Proceedings, 8:1552 (2013) : 1030-1035
10. Altan, C., Elkatmis, A., Yuksel, M., Aslan, N., Bucak, S. "Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity Upon Application of Magnetic Field to Fe3O4 Nanofluids", Journal of Applied Physics, 110:9 (2011) : 093917
11. Calcatelli, A., Arrhen, F., Bergoglio, M., Greenwood, J., Kangi, R., Jousten, K., Legras, J., Rantanen, M., Verbeek, J., Vicente, C., Szaulich, D. "Results of the Regional Key Comparison EUROMET.M.P-K1.a in the Pressure Range from 0.1 Pa to 1000 Pa", Metrologia , 42:Technical Supplement (2005) : 07004
12. Kangi, R., Ongun, B., Elkatmis, A. "The New UME Primary Standards for Pressure Generation in the Range from 9X10-4 Pa to 103 Pa", Metrologia, 41:4 (2004) : 251–256

1. Elkatmis, A. "An Analysis of the Stability of Spining Rotor Gauges ", XXIII IMEKO World Congress, Yokohama (30/08-03/09/2021) : 4 p.
2. Kangi, R., Elkatmis, A., Chernyshenko, A. "The Preliminary Results of the Regional Key Comparison COOMET.M.P-K15 in the Pressure Range from 0.3 mPa to 0.9 Pa", 26th Vacuum Technique and Technology Conference (BTT-2019),St. Petersburg (18-20/06/2019) : 5 p.
3. Kangi, R. "Development of a Temperature Controlled Container for High Accuracy Capacitance Manometers", 26th Vacuum Technique and Technology Conference (BTT-2019),St. Petersburg (18-20/06/2019) : 5 p.
4. Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R. "TÜBİTAK UME Vacuum Laboratory Capabilities and Activities ", 25th Vacuum Technique and Technology Conference,St.Petersburg (05-07/06/2018) : 6 p.
5. Kangi, R., Elkatmis, A., Setina, J., Jousten, K., Mari, D., Boineau, F., Vicar, M., Ruiz, S., Bdzoch, J. "Preliminary Results of Broader Campaign of Time Stability Characterization of QMS", 19th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-19),Paris (09-13/09/2013) : 1 p.
6. Sariyerli, G.S., Kangi, R., Elkatmis, A., Bergoglio, M. "Calibration Set-Up for Leak Devices Calibration", 14th Joint Vacuum Conference,Dubrovnik (04-08/06/2012) : 1 p.
7. Kangi, R., Elkatmis, A., Sariyerli, G. "Dynamic Reference Vacuum System for Calibration and Characterization of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers", Workshop on Measurement Characteristics and use of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers for Vacuum Applications,Bled (10-13/04/2012) : 1 p.