1. | Elkatmis, A. "An Analysis of the Stability of Spinning Rotor Gauges ", Measurement : Sensors, 18:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2021.100244 (2021) : Article number 100244 |
2. | Jousten, K., Bock, T., Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R., Phanakulwijit, S., Setina, J. "Final Report on Key Comparison Euramet.M.P-K15.1 in the Pressure Range from 3·10-4 Pa to 1 Pa", Metrologia, 57:1A (2020) : Article number 07031 |
3. | Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R., Becker, U., Jousten, K., Mari, D., Boineau, F., Vicar, M., Ruiz, S., Setina, J. "Time Stability Characterization of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers", Measurement, 165:December (2020) : Article number 108143 |
4. | Kangi, R. "Development of a Temperature Controlled Container for High Accuracy Capacitance Manometers ", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 26th International Conference on Vacuum Technique and Technology (VTT 2019), 1313:1 (2019) : Article Number 012026 |
5. | Kangi, R., Elkatmis, A., Gorobei, V., Chernyshenko, A. "The Preliminary Results of the Regional Key Comparison COOMET.M.P-K15 in the Pressure Range from 0.3 mPa to 0.9 Pa", Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 26th International Conference on Vacuum Technique and Technology (VTT 2019), 1313:1 (2019) : 012027 |
6. | Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R. "Remarks Concerning About the Characteristics of the Extractor Vacuum Gauge and the Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer ", Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 131:January (2019) : 269-276 |
7. | Kangi, R. "Temperature Controlled Transfer Standard Package for High Accuracy Pressure Transducers with Improved Temperature Stability (XXII World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO 2018))", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1065:16/Article number 162010 (2018) : 1-5 |
8. | Elkatmis, A., Kangi, R. "TUBİTAK UME Vacuum Laboratory Capabilities and Activities, 25th International Conference on Vacuum Technique and Technology, 5-7 June 2018", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 387:1 (2018) : 1-7 |
9. | Merlone, A., Lopardo, G., Antonsen, I., Bell, S., Benyon, R., Boese, N., Campo, D., Dobre, M., Drnovsek, J., Elkatmis, A., Georgin, E., Grudniewicz, E., Heinonen, M., Holstein, C., Johansson, J., Klason, P., Knorova, R., Melvad, C., Merrison, J., Migala, K., Podesta, M., Saathoff, H., Smorgon, D., Sparasci, F., Strnad, R., Grzebyk, A., Vuillermoz, E. "A New Challenge for Meteorological Measurements : The "MeteoMet" Project - Metrology", AIP Conference Proceedings, 8:1552 (2013) : 1030-1035 |
10. | Altan, C., Elkatmis, A., Yuksel, M., Aslan, N., Bucak, S. "Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity Upon Application of Magnetic Field to Fe3O4 Nanofluids", Journal of Applied Physics, 110:9 (2011) : 093917 |
11. | Calcatelli, A., Arrhen, F., Bergoglio, M., Greenwood, J., Kangi, R., Jousten, K., Legras, J., Rantanen, M., Verbeek, J., Vicente, C., Szaulich, D. "Results of the Regional Key Comparison EUROMET.M.P-K1.a in the Pressure Range from 0.1 Pa to 1000 Pa", Metrologia , 42:Technical Supplement (2005) : 07004 |
12. | Kangi, R., Ongun, B., Elkatmis, A. "The New UME Primary Standards for Pressure Generation in the Range from 9X10-4 Pa to 103 Pa", Metrologia, 41:4 (2004) : 251–256 |